PHILIPPINES: Cheap Airfare from MNL to HKG/SIG/BKK/TPE/ICN Long vacation or business trip in Manila and running out of local place to visit? You can always go to a different country. Too expensive you say? Not really. For about 50usd, you can book a round-trip flight to Hong Kong, Bangkok or Singapore. A friend once told us that they went to Hong Kong on a one-day trip once. You don't even need to spend money for a hotel stay. If you have about 100usd to spare, that's a r/t ticket to Incheon/Seoul. 170usd can even get you to Osaka and back to Manila.

Who's the airline who offers such cheap rates? Meet Cebu Pacific Air.

We have flown with this airline a number of times. Their service is nothing to boast about but you can't ask for too much for such a price. They always, as in ALWAYS, have way discounted airfares. All you need to do is to visit their website often for the weekly updates of discounted fare and you need to plan ahead since earlier you book, the better chance you can get the cheapest rate.

Here's a rundown of flights we've flown with Cebu Pacific, the month/year and the price of ticket per person:

MNL->HKG - August 2009 - 60usd
MNL->SIG - August 2010 - 80usd
MNL->KIX - September 2010 - 180usd
MNL->ICN - May 2011 - 110usd

Note that all those flights are round-trip fare. It's mad cheap compared to domestic flights here in the US. You can also book a full vacation package from their website including hotel accommodation, airport transfers and daily tours.

So if you have an upcoming vacation or a business trip to the Philippines, consider checking out their website. Might as well see more of Asia if you have the time and a couple of hundred bucks to spare.