So it begins...

Hello there world wide web! We're Billy and Lani and we love to travel!

At the time of this writing, we have already been in a lot of places. We love reliving those experiences we had by talking about every single detail we remember. When we try to recall all of those wonderful memories, sometimes they end up a bit blurry so we try to re-focus and try to remember them perfectly.

We thought of writing a diary of our travels just for our own but obviously, that plan for a personal diary turned into this online blog =) Not only we want share our travel experiences but we would also love to offer tips and suggestions for other travelers out there. We have a number of friends who often ask us for travel tips since they know that we travel a lot so we believe we'd be able to offer assistance to other travelers as well.

We have a number of vacations scheduled in the next few months but we would like to start off this blog by reliving our past travel experiences again. This time, we'd surely write down every details as we talk about it and post them in this blog, and of course add tips and suggestions for travelers planning to visit the same place we have visited. Hope this blog will turn out to be a good one of ourselves to reminisce those wonderful memories, and for the readers who would like to make memories of their own.